Privacy policy

Just Sian Limited is a Limited company registered in England. Just Sian Limited registered office is located at 47 Weyland Road, Sherburn in Elmet, LS25 6QT.

At Just Sian Limited, we hold your privacy and personal information in high regard. We are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data and maintaining transparency about the information we collect.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

Our policy may undergo occasional revisions to ensure compliance with evolving legal standards, such as any modifications introduced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation, commonly referred to as ‘GDPR.’ These updates will be reflected and communicated within this policy on our website or upon request.

Access and Use of our Website

Your access to and use of this website are subject to the terms and conditions outlined below. By accessing and utilising this website, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Just Sian Limited makes no representations about other websites that you may access through this one. Currently, Just Sian Limited maintains full control over all content on this website. However, linking to a non-Just Sian Limited website does not imply Just Sian Limited’s endorsement or acceptance of responsibility for the content or use of such a website or link.

Copyright and Trademarks

This website contains materials owned or licensed by Just Sian Limited and is protected by international copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You are prohibited from modifying, copying, reproducing, republishing, uploading, transmitting, or distributing any material from this website in any manner.

All rights to trademarks, service marks, copyrights, names, terms, symbols, or designs that identify and distinguish goods or services owned, used, produced, or licensed by Just Sian Limited, whether registered or not, are expressly reserved. The use, copying, or reproduction of trademarks, service marks, names, terms, symbols, or designs owned, used, produced, or licensed by Just Sian Limited is not permitted without the express written consent of Sian Owen at Just Sian Limited.


Just Sian Limited operates and controls this website from the United Kingdom. Just Sian Limited is operating and existing under the laws of England. Just Sian Limited does not seek to avail itself of the laws, protections, or benefits of any other jurisdiction.

All interactions between Just Sian Limited and any person accessing this website or communicating electronically with Just Sian Limited shall be considered to occur in the United Kingdom, where this website is hosted and where electronic mail is received. This agreement and the contents of this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England.

Information Collection

We collect information about you through various means:

Information you provide: When you request information from us or make a booking enquiry or booking, we ask for personal information such as your name, email address, and telephone number.

Information from website and service usage: We collect data about the online content you use and how you use it, including your visits to our websites and interactions with our ads and content. We may gather information about your web browser, IP address, and computer operating systems to improve our services.

Information from third parties: We may receive information about you from third-party partners with whom you interact. We will notify you and explain how and why we intend to use this information.

We strive to use aggregated or anonymous information that does not personally identify individuals whenever possible. Please refer to the “How we use your information” section below to understand our purposes for processing your personal information.

Types of Personal Information Processed We collect, store, and use the following categories of personal information:

·       Your name and contact details, including postal address, telephone number, and email address.

·       Your date of birth.

·       Financial information provided during payments, such as bank details or credit/debit card information. Note that we do not store credit or debit card details, unless asked to do so for on-going marketing subscription costs on your behalf (see below).

·       Information related to your computer or mobile device and your use of this website, including your IP address and geographical location.

·       Information relevant to our services that you use or find of interest in relation to your stay with us or your exploration of holiday home buying opportunities.

·       Any other personal information shared with us as part of your enquiries or for the provision of our services.

Processing of Sensitive Personal Information

Certain categories of personal information are considered more sensitive under the law. This falls under the categories known as ‘special category’ or ‘sensitive personal data,’ encompassing information regarding health, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, or any genetic or biometric data used for identification.

We generally do not collect ‘sensitive personal data’ from individuals contacting us or customers of our services unless there is a clear reason for doing so. This may include instances such as health or dietary requirements to provide appropriate accommodation, access, or additional information relevant to your stay with us.

Debit and Credit Card Information

We ensure that card details are handled securely in accordance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards.

In cases where you provide your card details for phone payments, only Sian Owen or Just Sian Limited is authorised and trained to process payments will have access to your card details. We do not store your credit or debit card details after the transaction is completed, unless asked to do so for on-going marketing subscription costs on your behalf. Requested details will be kept securely in password protected locations and only when the card holder is required to send verification codes for any transactions made on their behalf. All other card details and validation codes are securely destroyed once the payment is processed.

How We Use Your Information

We utilise your personal information for various purposes, including but not limited to:

·       Providing the services, products, or information you have requested.

·       Sharing information about our special offers, newsletter content and other marketing contact, subject to your consent.

·       Delivering products or services.

·       Administrative purposes, such as contacting you regarding bookings or enquiries.

·       Internal management, including record-keeping of enquiries, feedback, or complaints.

·       Inviting you to provide feedback on our services.

·       Complying with legal obligations that require us to collect and retain your information.

·       Using your personal information for credit risk reduction or fraud prevention with the assistance of external specialist services.

·       Other specific purposes to which you may agree from time to time.

Legal Grounds for Processing

We are obligated by law to specify the lawful grounds on which we collect and process your personal information, as described in this policy. Depending on the purposes for which we use your data, one or more of the following grounds may apply:

·       Legitimate Interest: In certain cases, we collect and use your personal information based on legitimate interests, meaning our interest in running our business successfully and providing services to you. We carefully balance the impact on you and your rights when using this basis for processing.

·       Consent: For many situations, we rely on obtaining your consent to use your personal information in specific ways, such as sending you marketing information.

·       Legal Obligation: We may collect, process, and disclose personal information to comply with a legal obligation, like court orders, regulatory requirements, or accounting, tax, and fraud prevention purposes.

·       Performance of a Contract: When you make a deposit, booking, or purchase with us, we process your information to meet our contractual obligations.

Your Rights

You have several legal rights in relation to the collection and processing of your personal information, including:

·       Right to Be Informed: You have the right to be informed about how your personal information will be used.

·       Right of Access: You can request confirmation of the information we hold on you and receive a copy of that information.

·       Right of Erasure: You can request the deletion of your personal information if there’s no legitimate reason for us to retain it.

·       Right of Rectification: If you believe our records of your personal information are inaccurate, you can ask us to update them.

·       Right to Restrict Processing: You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information.

·       Right to Object: You have the right to object to processing under certain circumstances, such as direct marketing or statistical purposes.

Please note that, for security purposes, we may need to confirm your identity when you exercise these rights. To do so, you must provide two pieces of approved identification, and we will securely destroy this information once it has served its purpose in confirming your identity.

It’s always your choice whether you want to receive information about our services. If you do not want us to contact you, you can object to or change your contact preferences at any time. You may opt out of our marketing communications by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in our marketing emails.

To exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please provide a description of the personal information in question and include two forms of identification, and send it to the Data Protection address in the “Contact Us” section below.

For more information about your rights or if you are dissatisfied with our response to your request, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). More details are available at ICO website.

Recipients and Information Disclosure

We do not share, sell, or rent your information to third parties for marketing purposes. However, we may disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

·       To other entities, trading subsidiaries, suppliers, or service providers for delivering the products or services you’ve requested.

·       To third parties that support our operations and services within the boundaries of this policy. These third parties are referred to as ‘data processors,’ and they include trusted partners for marketing or service delivery.

·       When we are legally obligated to disclose your personal information, such as to government bodies, law enforcement agencies, or to enforce our rights.

Inappropriate Website Content

If you post or send content that we deem inappropriate, offensive, or in violation of any laws, such as defamatory, abusive, or hateful content on our social media pages or other channels, we may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties, such as your internet provider or law enforcement agencies.

Data Retention

We retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy. Our data retention policy determines the specific periods for which we retain personal information based on legal requirements, the purpose of data, and regulatory guidance. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) provides valuable guidance in this regard.

Contact Us

IIf you have any enquiries or require further information about this policy or our safeguards, please contact Data Protection at the following address:

Address: FAO: Sian Owen, Just Sian Limited, 47 Weyland Road, Sherburn in Elmet, LS25 6QT.



The Just Sian Limited website may use session cookies to identify your browser session as you navigate between pages on the website. These cookies allow our website to recognise subsequent requests from your browser. They do not store data but help in maintaining your specific session.

We also use Google Analytics cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website, report website trends, and monitor user engagement. These cookies do not identify individual visitors but collect anonymous data for statistical analysis.

You can manage and control cookies by changing your browser settings. For more information, visit

Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event that you wish to make a complaint, then Just Sian Limited customers wishing to escalate matters in writing should do so by contacting Just Sian Limited (marked Sian Owen) via post or email, directing to the address below:

In writing to:
FAO Sian Owen, Just Sian Limited, 47 Weyland Road, Sherburn in Elmet, LS25 6QT

By phone:


By email:

Please provide us as much information about the matter as possible:

·       Your full name, address, email address and telephone number

·       Confirmation of preferred means of communication

·       Details of any previous correspondence you’ve had with us

·       Details of your query or complaint 

If we are unable to resolve the matter immediately, we’ll send an acknowledgement of receipt of the query/complaint (via post or email) within 10 business days.

If we require more information, we will get in touch with you via your preferred means of communication. Our customer resolution target is within 28 working days of us receiving your query/complaint and we will certainly provide you as a minimum a progress update within this timeframe.

If for whatever reason this is not possible, we will contact you to explain the reasons why and let you know how long our investigations are likely to take.