How to consistently build your brand

Consistency is key when it comes to your brand. Brands that are consistent in their design, messaging and customer experience are able to create a stronger emotional connection with their customer base. This connection can lead to trust and loyalty from customers, which in turn can increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

Putting it simply, consistency builds a brand…
…and it can increase revenue by as much as 23%!

Think about it…when you buy a product, most of the time you shop around a bit, do your research, purchase from a brand you follow or go for a product you’re already familiar with.
But how would you know it was the right brand & product if they didn’t keep that brand consistent?
Your logo, visual style, colour pallet and even your tone of voice all help make you recognisable to your customers.

So…how do we create that consistency?


When we’re familiar with something it makes us feel safe. A brand we feel safe with is sure to be the first one we turn to.

Differentiating your brand from competitors

Just because everyone in your industry is doing it doesn’t mean it’s right for you. What makes your brand emotionally and visually different from your competitors. What are you offering that they’re not?
Markets can be crowded. Work out your key brand differentials and communicate them to your customers. It can be something as simple as your colour pallet matching your funky brand voice, or your USPs being stand-out unique.

Your brand always looks the same

If it all looks and feels very same-y you’re probably doing it right. A strong brand uses the same visual elements, tone of voice even the same layouts. This doesn’t mean you can’t mix it up a little, it just means you’ve got to put some thought into it. Campaigns can stand out from day to day, your brand can evolve, but it all needs to visually recognisable as the same brand inside and out.
Too different and how will know it’s you that’s talking to them?

Build emotional connections

Think about lego. For decades their messaging, design and values have been consistent. They’ve managed to expand their target market to adults by being consistent. Their brand still creates the same emotional connection in us as when we were kids. The key product hasn’t changed, but their offering of kits has moved along with their aging demographics. The nostalgia we feel when we build a lego kit is the same as when we were young.


Especially with so many big changes in the world today.
This isn’t to say brands shouldn’t change and adapt, in fact quite the opposite. Brands need to consider the changing world and markets to keep their stability for their brand and their customers.
The usage of plastic is a great example of this. In the last 20 years how we feel about the usage of plastic has dramatically changed. The brands that have kept their key fundamentals the same but adapted to support halting the climate crisis are still thriving.

Ditch the uncertainty

Brand changing its focus every day? They sent you three completely different flyers that are all completely different? How do you know what they’re really offering?
This uncertainty does nothing to help us trust a brand. We choose products and services based on trust that the product they’re offering is the most suitable for the job within out budget. If their consistency is flakey it makes us doubt their offering in the first place - no matter how good their offer is or isn’t!


Need some help with consistency over your brand visuals and customer touch points?

Get in touch to see if I can help.


What to consider when designing a logo